Best coding language to learn for kids

Written by Cybersquare | Jun 8, 2021 12:51:42 PM

The ability to code is an essential thing in today’s world. Most of parents are pretty interested in teaching their children coding at an early stage. Knowledge in coding will lead kids to reach heights in the future. 


Choose the right language for your kid

Some kids might have talent in coding and they will try to learn to code fast. So they can enter into the world of programming easily. We don’t need to do any effort for that. We can trigger the other kids by providing an excellent way of teaching. What we can do is, Open the doors in a more interactive way of learning in front of them.

Visual programming is best for kids ages 5-8. In the visual programming environment, children can drag and drop blocks of code with the mouse. The software can take the child’s instructions and write the real code underneath. Starting at age 8, some kids may show interest to dig into the text of a language, kids can learn according to their ability and passion. Kids in the age category of pre-teens and ages 13 and up, can learn programming languages directly According to their interests.


Types of  Best Programming Language for Your Child?


  1. Compiled Programming Languages

A program that uses a compiled language needs to be “compiled” at first before it is run. So, you would write your code in C++, then you use another program to execute it. Once the program is “compiled,” it’s ready to run and cannot be edited further.


The main disadvantage of compiled programming languages is that you have to get the right code right before you run the compilation command. 

An example for compiled language is Basic(very easy to learn the language)


  1. Interpreted Programming Languages

Most of the languages are interpreted languages because of the difficulty in compiling every bit of code to run web pages. Example for interpreted languages are Perl, PHP, and JavaScript 

HTML and CSS are scripting languages. HTML is a Hypertext markup language that basically identifies how a page should display. It will call upon the JavaScript programming language later. The behavior of the page is controlled by JavaScript.


  1. Object-Oriented Programming vs. Procedural Languages

Object-oriented programming will be the most recommended programming for your kids who want to be professional programmers. They are providing an opportunity to learn to code in a more Traditional procedural language.


There is a  simple difference between procedural and object-oriented programming. Procedural programming runs through a logical progression of statements(with structures such as “IF” and “THEN” ). Example: BASIC


Object-oriented programming relies on objects that can connect and interact with other objects in a program. It is less linear and more holistic. In the beginning, It can be a little harder to understand, but easier in the long run to do many complex things. Example: Java.


What is the Best Programming Language for Your Child


  1. Scratch

Scratch is a visual environment for younger kids,  developed by MIT. Scratch is a block-based visual programming language. Scratch is targeted primarily at kids aged  8-16 as an educational tool for coding. Kids can create projects on the web using a block-like interface by using this site.


  1. HTML and 7. CSS

The website languages HTML and CSS are not programming languages. Learning HTML and CSS give kids the foundation for learning real programming languages used for websites such as JavaScript and PHP. Also, they get to know how to handle text-based syntax, and it.


  1. Perl

Perl was involved in building the World Wide Web. The forms that we are sent through websites are usually written in Perl. It was eventually supplanted from its chief position by PHP and JavaScript, however, it is still an extremely useful language for web development.

Perl is an interpreted language as well as procedural with object-oriented capabilities. Some of the syntax in Perl can be challenging.


  1. PHP

PHP should ideally be learned after HTML. PHP is best known for making interactive web pages. So PHP is mainly used for pulling up and displaying web pages (with HTML). PHP is the programming code underneath popular website content management systems such as Drupal and WordPress.

PHP is interpreted and should be easy to learn for children who are interested in programming.


  1. JavaScript

JavaScript is an interpreted and object-oriented programming language that is used on most websites today. If your kid wants to learn web design,  Like HTML and PHP they should learn JavaScript too.


  1. Java


The reason for many kids wanting to learn Java is that they want to build on  Minecraft. You can use graphical interfaces and special software in Java. For example, to build a Minecraft Mod without using code (Java).

MCreator (it’s created for adults who simply want the freedom to create without messing with code.


  1. Ruby

Ruby is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language similar to Python. Ruby has a very easy syntax and is a good introduction to code for young programmers. The main purpose of Ruby is web applications. It has so many other applications like data analysis, prototyping, and proof of concepts.


Importance of Learning Coding at the earliest

Learning coding at the earliest should be helpful for students who struggle with reading, writing, and math in school. Coding is a skill set that kids could use for a future career in a digital world filled with skilled coders and programmers. If Kids can create digital media and share it with others instead of just being consumers of digital media, which will make them proud and it will help to boost their self-confidence.


Kids who have a clear vision about their future must know how important it is to learn to code at an early age. Some kids might have an interest in learning to code. We just need to water their talents for proper nourishment. 

Join Cyber Square to unlock their fullest talents.  Cyber Square is an online coding platform that provides an opportunity that helps kids to learn coding in a most engaging way.